North Korea Launch

This morning, North Korea launched what they claimed to be a satellite into orbit. This launch, according to the State run news agency, was personally ordered and directed by Kim Jong Un. North Korea claims the launch was for scientific purposes and was entirely peaceful, but many have their doubts. Both South Korea and Japan warned North Korea of the negative consequences the launch would have.
The frightening aspect of this launch, is that the same technology used to put this satellite into space is the same technology used to deliver nuclear warheads (1). If this is North Korea’s true intention with this satellite, most of Western Europe, Australia, and the Western Coast of the US would be in range of a nuclear attack.
The UN has recognized this danger and has called an emergency meeting at 11 am E.T. in New York City to discuss the appropriate response (2). What makes this launch even worse is the fact that this is the second time in the past month that North Korea has done something similar to this. At the beginning of January, North Korea is believed to have tried, and failed, to test parts of a hydrogen bomb (3).
Do you believe this launch was for scientific purposes or to test technology used to transport nuclear warheads? Do you think North Korea should be punished for this launch and why or why not?
