Bill Clinton Bashes Bernie Sanders

For the past few months, Bill Clinton has stayed relatively quiet regarding the race for the Democratic nomination. For the most part, his speeches have been filled with sentimental stories about Mrs. Clinton's past successes and leadership skills, and few words have been said regarding the opposition.

However, Clinton's latest speech given in Milford, NH quickly turned from a discussion of his wife's attributes to a tirade against Sanders, whose policy supposedly contains numerous double standards and missing details and whose views Clinton claimed to be a "hermetically sealed box" (1). Clinton also criticized Sanders' supporters, accusing them of being sexists and using the Internet to attack those in support of the Clinton campaign, although Sanders had denounced these "Bernie bros" in a CNN interview earlier that day (2).

While Clinton's harshest remarks were reserved for the "Bernie bros," he was also critical of Sanders' free college and universal healthcare plans, calling them impossible to fund. He also addressed the sources of money involved in Sanders' fundraising campaign, stating that "anybody who takes money from Goldman Sachs couldn't possibly be President" (3).

What do you think about Bill Clinton's sudden outburst regarding Bernie Sanders? Could he be frustrated that the very state that made him "The Comeback Kid" in 1992 might now turn against his wife?

