Homeless Holdouts Remain Despite City Order

Several homeless holdouts continue to defy San Francisco's expired order to move out from under the Central Freeway.  On Tuesday night, the city's health department gave homeless residents living along Division and 13th streets under the freeway a notice of 72 hours to move out after they declared those streets a health hazard and a bane to nearby residents and businesses.  At its height, around 140 tents populated the area (ABC).  Many city outreach workers went from tent to tent to offer their resources and to persuade campers to leave the area (SF).

Once Friday came, many people moved away from under the freeway and moved to less crowded streets, while others moved to the city's new shelter at Pier 80.  However, many campers still remain in the area and resists the city's orders to leave.  San Francisco has had a long standing issue housing its homeless but it seems that tensions have worsened due to the shortages of affordable housing in the midst of a tech-based job boom (ABC).

Police have not been needed to forcibly remove anyone out.  It is unclear what city officials will do with the remaining campers who refuse the order.

What do you think? Could city officials have handled this issue in a better way? What should city officials do with the remaining campers? How should the issue of homelessness in SF be approached?
