The Iranian Hostage Cri-Success

If you were watching the State of Union Address last night, and I hope you were for the sake of your SOU assignment, then you probably noticed the tension due to the ten navy sailors that were captured by Iranian forces. They considered cancelling the entire program! It seems we've all heard this story before, right? 444 days, tons of stress, and it all ultimately ends up in a movie. Well, it seems that part two differs from the original, since Iran released all American sailors within twenty four hours after two small and armed boats experienced mechanical trouble and wound up in Iranian waters. So what does this mean?

Many democrats claim that this outcome is good news. Our sailors were free within a day, and many attribute this to the Iranian nuclear deal, where oil and financial sanctions will be removed from Iran in return for close monitoring of any plutonium or uranium plants that Iran currently possesses. Obama and other Democrats are lauding this interaction with Iran as an indication of how successful the nuclear deal negotiations have been in creating a more stable relationship with Iran, since it seems they are too afraid to incite the US with violence when sanction relief money is coming soon. This quick hostage scenario is evidence to Obama that a more stable global interaction with Iran is not far away.

Not surprisingly, Republicans responded in the opposite manor. They find Obama's contentment with the quick release of Americans unsatisfactory, and claim that the imprisonment of these people for any time at all displays the failure of the President to actually fix relations with Iran. This was backed up with images of hostages with guns pointed at them, which turned the republican community to rage.  Many also criticize Obama for ignoring this issue at the SOU, as it is of dire national importance.

There is some controversy over an Iranian news video that depicted an American sailor's apology to the people of Iran, yet it is unclear whether this apology was forced or not actually meant as an apology from the US to Iran for this incident. The US declares that no apology was given.

1) Do you see this issue as proof of progress in relations with Iran or proof of failed policy? Why?
2) How does ultra partisanship affect daily politics? Even in times of national crisis, everyone still disagrees with each other. Why can't we just agree?
                  3) What do you think about the Iranian nuclear deal? Yay or nay? (Go here for a simple guide)

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