Nikki Haley could be our next Vice President

After the State of the Union address Governor Nikki Haley was given the job of responding for the Republican party to Obama’s speech. Haley the Governor of South Carolina has been making herself known in the past year by taking down a confederate flag from the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina after the shooting of nine African Americans by a white supremacist, and verbally slamming Donald Trump a couple of times. After her response to the SOTU everyone rushed to google to read up about her.

Obviously she would not be Donald Trump’s choice if he wins the primary but for the other possible candidates she would make a strong running mate. Her parents are both Indian so she appeals to minorities and she is a strong supporter of women’s rights which would make some Clinton supporters think about changing sides. She would diminish the anti-minority stigma that Trump has put around the Republican party and give the election the fresh new face people have been waiting for. Overall she has made her mark with her response to the SOTU and is certainly now one of the top options for the Republican candidate’s Vice President.

1. What is your opinion on Nikki Haley so far?
2. Would she affect your decision on any of the candidates?
3. If you saw her response to the SOTU do you have any comments on the things she said?
