Fourteen People Left Dead in San Bernardino Shooting

     Today, 335 days into this year, we had our 355th shooting of the year. At around 11 AM this morning during a holiday party, multiple shooters entered a large conference room in the Inland Regional Center of San Bernardino, a facility that serves people with developmental disabilities, and opened fire. Fourteen people were killed and at least seventeen were wounded.

     San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said that, after police arrived to search a Redlands residence, the suspects fled but were pursued back into San Bernardino.

     After a car chase and firefight, the police shot and killed two suspects, a man and a woman, dressed in "assault-style clothing" and detained a third person running from the car. During the firefight, the suspects threw pipe bombs and other hand-made explosives at the police and one officer was wounded but is expected to recover.

     Their motive is unclear but it appears that they had a specific target in the building. David Bowdich, assistant director of the FBI's Los Angeles field office, questions: "Is this a terrorist incident? We do not know."

     Families were told to wait outside of the Hernandez Community Center as a meet-up place for survivors to contact their families.

Note: This is still going on while I type this. This link is a live update published by the Los Angeles Times.

What is your opinion on the following questions:
     - The calendar on the side of this post details how many shootings there have been per day this year. Do you think this is reason to increase gun safety laws? Why or why not?
     - Do you consider this a domestic terrorist incident?

Los Angeles Times: and
CNN (Video):
New York Times (Video):
ABC News:
Washington Post:
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