Crooked Rikers Correctional Officer Arrested

A Correctional Officer from New York City's main jail, Riker's Island, was found today with a significant amount of synthetic marijuana and number of scalpels, and intent to smuggle them into the jail to sell to inmates.  He has been arrested and faces various drug-related criminal charges, such as encouraging prison contraband. There are now 51 members of Rikers staff who have been arrested or sent for discipline since reforms targeted towards officer corruption were placed in 2014.  Some believe that the activities of dirty officers smuggling may be correlated to slashing and stabbing attacks at Rikers.

I think Officer McKoy abused his power as a CO, a position that here gives him freedom to transport items to the inmates who have little other options if they want to participate in these illicit activities. A variety of laws aim to prevent similar police abuses of power, including the 4th Amendment and various technicalities regarding the proper method of obtaining evidence and other seizures. The large quantity of contraband McKoy was in possession of (>350g organic/synthetic marijuana, cocaine, loose tobacco, etc) suggests that he had established a decent business selling to inmates, and that the security at Rikers is incredibly poor, maying further suggesting weaknesses in this area of the justice system.


1.  Can anything else be done to discourage officer misconduct? Tougher background checks/requirements?

2.  What are other problems with the current state of the correctional system? Opinions on it as a whole?

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