China's biggest business tycoon is missing?

Recent news about the disappearing act of Guo Guangchang, the Chairman of Fosun Group, one of China's most successful private-sector firms, have raised eye brows around the world. Chinese leadership under President Xi Jinping has been relentless in its effort to crackdown corruptions that have plagued China's economic rise. Mr. Guo was a role model among China's many aspiring enterpreneurs. He started his company with just a few thousand of dollars and help from three fellow students of Fudan University in Shanghai. His success was likened to that of Warren Buffet in the US.  Social media was abuzz with news and reports that Mr. Guo was "whisked away" by police as he got off a plane in Shanghai, but it's also possible that he was taken for questioning about bigger fish in the corruption investigation of Shanghai's Communist Party leadership.

The 4th Amendment protect Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures, a right that Guangchang was not guaranteed to in China, exemplifying the differences in guaranteed rights by the laws of the nations of the US and China.

What do you think of the nature in which the Chinese government cracks down on corruption among its party ranks, among some of the most successful citizens of China?  Do you think these types of government"hunts" could happen in the US? How would you feel if some of the most successful business men such as Marc Zuckerberg of Facebook, were detained without public news and simply "disappears" because of potential links to illegal activities? What would be repercussions if the government simply seized people, without hard evidence? How would the public and the media react?