British ISIS Airstrikes

RAF Typhoons arrive in Cyprus
View of British planes going to bomb ISIS fields in Syria

Britain has started its first airstrikes on ISIS in Syria. After Wednesday’s 397-223 vote, Britain has bombed an oilfield near the Syrian border with Iraq. It is believed that this oilfield is a main source of income for ISIS. The strikes have been successful, and there are already more planes on the way to Syria. Britain is planning to continue the airstrikes for multiple years. Prime Minster David Cameron has said that this fight will take time and people need to be patient and have respect for the pilots involved.
So far, the United States has sent the most planes to bomb ISIS areas. Because ISIS is such a major global concern, more countries, specifically Germany, have been pressured to join the effort with more vigor. At this point, there is not a lot of information available about the British strikes as they have happened so recently.
Are airstrikes a good way to fight ISIS? Do you think this will be effective?
Do you think the US, UK, and other countries should be spending money and troops on this fight?
How does ISIS play into the overall threat of terrorism?

Sources: These sources have more specific information about the types of planes involved in the British airstrikes.